Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies-Andhra Pradesh
Accredited by 'NAAC' with 'B+' Grade
(Established by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and recognized as per Section 2(f), 12(B) of UGC Act, 1956)
Academic Regulations - 2017-18

Code of conduct and Disciplinary Rules
Slno Act of Indiscipline Punishment
1 Leaving campus without permission Rs1000 fine with 2weeks suspension
2 Robbery Will be handed over to the police
3 Ragging Strict action as per Government Anti ragging act
4 Damage of University properties Replacement of property with same quality/company and suspension for one semester.
5 Harassment of girls, Misbehavior with girls, Commenting on girls, Messaging through mobiles, etc Strict Punishment leading to suspension based on the recommendations of the disciplinary committee
6 Undignified/indecent behavior of boys and girls in the campus or classrooms Information will be given to parents and TC will be issued
7 Consumption of alcohol, drugs, smoking One Semester to One Academic Year
8 Encouraging outsiders into campus Two to four months suspension and trespassers will be sent to police station
9 Misbehaving with University employees and University authorities Passing information and taking undertaking from the parents. Two weeks to one month suspension(based on severity)
10 Bribing employees(security etc) for violating rules Suspension for employees, one month suspension for students
11 If the students caught in disciplinary issues Cancellation of placement registration
12 Cyber crimes Issue of TC
13 Not reporting on reopen day Parent explanation in person and imposition of fine up to Rs. 1000/-
Note: The level of punishment (case to case) shall be recommended by the disciplinary or committee constituted by the institute.